Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Answer to a Question Based on "The Bias of Language, The Bias of Pictures" by Neil Postman and Steve Powers

Week III
Blog III
Postman and Powers claim the differences between stationary pictures and moving pictures are based on the viewer, because people may interpret different things or ideas. Language is also going to differ from person to person because of a way something may be worded. This is important to the larger point of the essay because the authors try to explain that everyone has an opinion and every opinion is shown through a person’s writing, or speaking. The writer’s main claim about today’s newscast is that opinions are never directly the same, for example the author’s state that “no two people use exactly the same words to describe an event (“The Bias of Language, The Bias of Pictures” by Neil Postman and Steve Powers). I do agree with the authors points.

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