Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Post on Justin Bieber video baby featuring Ludicrous

English Comp II
Blog Post I

This video represents a teenage boy and a teenage girl and they look like they have a crush on one another. The girl is not to sure if she wants to express her feelings. the video represents both teenage genders and it shows that teenagers can interact in a public setting. The meeting in a bowling alley is not a typical place for teenagers all around the country. This video makes the perception about teenagers in the 21st century all about fun and no worries. This perception is no different than the perception of the teenagers in the 50's becausse they had no worries and a lot of fun. This video introduces a merge between  tue pop and rap music culture, this is a big step for the music industry because they artists are both really popular right now. This video is extremely steeped in reality due to the interaction between the teenagers and an eveyday crush.

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